iPod Touches come in 8GB, 32GB and 64GB.
no ipod touches do, you buy your own
4th and 5th Generation iPod Touches come in white. All others are black.
The new iPod Touches come in 8 gigabyte, 32 gigabyte, and 64 gigabyte hard drive capacities.
Yes, all iPod Touches, including the 3rd generation, come with a cleaning cloth to wipe the screen with.
Technology is really improving these days, so I think they will come up with colored iPod touches, but for now, its just black that you can get colored cases/accessories for them. :)
you have to set it up.
pretty sure all apple ipod touches come with the app store the 4G is coming with a camera
No. Only iPod touches 4th generation and above can record video, as these are the only iPod touches with cameras.
OK "Do all iPod touches come with free apps?" No you go to appstore andu can get them free but that's only if their free and ur connected to a WI_FI connection v THANKS HOPE THIS HELPED