A bald eagle is a hunter or a predator which means it hunts and kills its own food. They will eat either dead or alive meat, but alive might be a little messy considering they will literally have to kill it themselves. So the answer to your question is YES, eagles will eat dead meat. Hocheman120, Dm8r, and Devoidshilo
Bald Eagles and other Birds of Prey kill what they caught before eating it, although they will not turn down a free lunch such as a fresh bit of road kill. I kept the 3 Red Hawk hatchlings in my back yard full of fresh squirrel meat last spring and it looks like mom and pop are sprucing up the old nest for another brood.
no, they swallow them while they're still alive. didn't you know?
bald eagles and golden eagles mostly golden eagles
Eagles eat a lot of fish. They also steal fish from other birds to eat.
Eagles kill fish to eat. If they did not eat, they would die. Not fun.
That really depends on the species you're referring to. For example, bald eagles hunt and eat fish like salmon and trout. Golden eagles go after rabbits, hares, smaller deer, birds, gophers, etc.
eagles do eat fish because they arnt no herbivore there carnivores.
I think eagles do eat herring because they eat fish. ;)
Golden Eagles and Harpy Eagles.
not really eagles usually eat fish like bass.
That depends on the species of eagle. There are sea eagles that will prey on fish, eagles that will eat other birds but most commonly eagles eat small animals such as rabbits.
They do kill and eat small ones.
Golden eagles sometimes kill deer fawns, and bald and golden eagles will scavenge deer kills.