Yes, they can have tails of varying length, some are bred for shorter tails, and some sheep have long tails that extend below their knees. Sheep used as livestock for food or wool often have their tails cut off when they are still young, so it is uncommon to see a sheep represented with its tail as wild sheep are rare in nature these days. The process is called tail docking.
whiskers (Horse Isle answer) SnappyDoodle on chestnut
Yes, squirrels do have whiskers, but they are very fine.
No, it is not recommended to clip a cat's whiskers as they are important sensory tools that help them navigate their environment. Whiskers are sensitive and trimming them can be uncomfortable for the cat.
No, jaguar whiskers are not poisonous. Whiskers are simply specialized hairs that help the jaguar sense its surroundings and navigate its environment.
No, penguins do not have whiskers. They rely on their keen sense of sight underwater to hunt for fish and other prey. Their bodies are adapted for swimming and diving, so they do not have the need for whiskers like some other animals.
No. Zebras do not have whiskers.
whiskers (Horse Isle answer) SnappyDoodle on chestnut
Yes, that is how you spell whiskers.
No, a cat's whiskers are not always white. The color of a cat's whiskers can vary depending on the cat's fur color. Some cats may have whiskers that match their fur color, while others may have whiskers that are a different color, such as black or grey. Whiskers are specialized hairs called vibrissae that are used for sensory purposes.
Yes, squirrels do have whiskers, but they are very fine.
Dolphins are born with whiskers which soon fall out due to water pressure.
Most cats have 24 whiskers on each side, placed in five very straight rows of varying length. Not all the whiskers may be the same length or in the same growing phase, however! They also have eyebrow whiskers, whiskers at the corners of their jaws and whiskers on their elbows.
Catfish whiskers are called barbels.
catfish have whiskers and spots
Yes,a Cheetah's whiskers are white
Same as they do for all cats. Whiskers are how they balance