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yes, if not wild caught. Wild caught snakes are more prone to diseases, parasites, and are very difficult to tame. Catching wild snakes also puts pressure on the natural populations. It is better to purchase a captive bred garter snake from a pet store or local breeder. They are very easy to find no matter where u live.

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11y ago

Garter snakes will eat their weight in mice in a couple months. They also eat a variety of insects. They are not venomous but they will coil around your arm and smear foul-smelling secretions on you so leave them alone.

The above answer is entrely wrong, Garter snakes feed mainly on cold blooded prey such as toads, frogs etc. When the are very small they feed on worms and small soft bodied insects mostly. Garter snakes defintely will not eat their weight in mice!!

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Q: Do garter snakes make good pets?
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How do you make a wild garter snake a tame pet?

It is very difficult. Garter snakes are active, nervous serpents, and rarely settle down. They should not be kept as pets. Snakes are not like dogs... they cannot be "made" into tame pets. Although I am sure they can be pets, I don't believe they will ever come when you call, fetch a stick/ball, or let you pet it.

What types of snakes make the best pets?

Ball Pythons make very good pets. Make sure you get a captive bred snake-as the wild ones are a handful! I have had my Ball Python for over 5 yrs-and he is a wonderful pet. H'es clean,freindly,and is very used to being handled by people!

Are gartting snakes poisonous?

Garter snakes refer to the small to medium sized snakes that are often kept by people as pets. They aren't poisonous and are relatively harmless.

Do rough green snakes make good pets?

No. They are illegal to be kept in US.

What snakes aren't poisoness and are good pets?

Corn Snakes! I have two and they are the best for pets and beginners!

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Do snake make good pets?

yes, if not wild caught. Wild caught snakes are more prone to diseases, parasites, and are very difficult to tame. Catching wild snakes also puts pressure on the natural populations. It is better to purchase a captive bred garter snake from a pet store or local breeder. They are very easy to find no matter where u live.

Do Eastern Hognose snakes make good pets?

Hognose snakes are a pretty docile species. Also - they don't grow very big (about 18 inches !)

Do Honduran milk snakes make good pets?

Yes - they're one of the most 'people friendly' species.

Are Cobras good pets?

No. Unless youre good at handeling snakes.

Can gophers be good pets?

Yes, gopher snakes make fantastic pets. Mine is very docile and eats well. Just make sure to get hold of a good care sheet so that your snake will be healthy and happy.

Why do snakes make great pets?

they eat mice