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Colossal squids have an ink sac, so they have ink. However, not much is known about the ink.

For further information, check out New Zealand's TePapa Museum site about the colossal squid:

Quote from the site: "All squid have a sac of ink inside the mantle. The ink is a dark liquid and is expelled through the funnel. If the squid meets a predator, it shoots out a cloud of ink, which hides the squid so it can escape. No one has ever seen a colossal squid producing ink so we can't be sure what the ink looks like or how the squid uses it. As there is no light down at 1,000 metres in the ocean, dark ink would be useless! It is possible that the colossal squid has luminescent ink."

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15y ago
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16y ago

Yes, if you want to see them shooting ink, go to and type in cuttlefish shooting ink pictures. Have fun

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12y ago

yes we do get ink from squid

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What is a squids ink used for?

Nothing! A squid's ink is very dangerous!

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It is commonly called "ink".

Why do squids ink?

Squids release ink as a defense mechanism against predators. The ink forms a cloud in the water, confusing the predator and allowing the squid to escape. Some squids also use their ink to deter threats by creating a distraction or hiding their escape route.

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Humans have an effect on squids because they hunt and kill them. Humans generally kill the squids to use their ink.

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Not in my lifetime have I seen a koala shoot ink. I have heard about squids who do.

Where does tattoo ink come from?

Ink comes from the latin work "inka" which means "decendent of the octopus" tattoo ink comes from underwater squids and octopuses Ink comes from the latin work "inka" which means "decendent of the octopus" tattoo ink comes from underwater squids and octopuses

Where giant squids spray out ink from?

I think hat they spray ink from their tentacles, but i am not very sure.

Do squids use their ink to get food?

no they use to escape predators