serve on a u.s. petty
i heard there is no limit.
A grand jury is a group of people that are selected and sworn in by a court. A traverse jury is a trial jury selected to serve on a court case in civil or criminal court.
Serve on jury
You can serve on a jury in CA if you are a felon as long as you are not on probation or parole.
Yes it is.
Yes, rich people can be called for jury duty just like anyone else. Income and wealth do not exempt individuals from fulfilling their civic duty to serve on a jury if selected.
No, if you are on probation you have done something illegal, and can therefore not serve jury duty
can a felon sit on a jury in idaho
To serve on a jury Answer 2 But I can serve on a jury and I'm not a US citizen. I'm British and serve on juries in the UK. My bad. Should have said serve on juries in the US.
75 years old