The dip in between your collar bones is called the suprasternal notch or jugular notch. It is a slight indentation at the base of the neck where the collar bones meet in the center.
Rubies are a gemstone. Unless the cat is wearing a collar that is decorated with rubies, no cats do not have rubies.
Yes, cats have bones. Their skeletal system provides the structure and support necessary for movement, protection of vital organs, and overall bodily function. Bones also play a role in producing blood cells and storing minerals.
Between 230 and 250, depending on the cat. Some cats have extra toes (polydactyly) and some cats, like Manx and Cymrics, do not have tails. The average is 244.
To allow greater freedom of movement for the scapula and hence gives the ability to run at higher speeds.
Your collar bone is a bone.!~ It is also known as your clavicle.
collar bones
collar bones
The correct name for the collar bone is the clavicle.
The dip in between your collar bones is called the suprasternal notch or jugular notch. It is a slight indentation at the base of the neck where the collar bones meet in the center.
pooy poo diaria
No its not bad :) My collar bones stick out. It's nothing 2 worry about everyone is different in their own special way that God created them :)
No, the cat will not die he has licked his flea collar. The flea collar is not toxic to cats only to fleas and ticks.
I prefer a flat leather collar for short-coated dogs or cats, and a round stitched leather collar for long-haired dogs and cats. These collars' primary use is to attach identification tags. Recently I have purchased it from the online Posh Puppy Boutique at a reasonable price.
There are 230 bones in a cats body.