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It can be, but it is only aggressive to protect and defend its territory some that any wild animal would do. it is true that most animals as small as a badger aren't as fierce but that's doesn't mean you should walk up to an animal like a weasel and annoy it. Yes you should be aware and cautious of a badger because they can be dangerous!

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13y ago
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15y ago

I believe so

A badger will not go out of its way to attack a cat. However the natural curiosity of cats may cause them to approach a badger; and if the badger sees the cat as a potential treat it will defend itself.

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14y ago

The adults of most of the badger species have few natural enemies. Their cubs however are more vulnerable, and may be taken by larger carnivores and Birds of Prey. Adult badgers may also be tackled by these predators, even though most badgers will put up quite a fight, defending themselves with tooth, claw, and in some cases, smell!

The striking facial patterns displayed by most of the badger species probably act as warning colouration (just like the black and white patterning of the skunk or the black and yellow banding of bees and wasps). The message sent by these patterns is: "Attack at your peril, I can look after myself!". Young badgers, which are not able to defend themselves, probably benefit from having the same markings as their parents, in much the same way as the harmless hoverfly benefits from the fact that it looks like a wasp. It has also been suggested that the colouration of young cheetahs - smoky grey bodies with a light, furry 'mantle' running along the back - helps to camouflage them in the grass, and to work as a mimicry defence, as it makes them look like a honey badger.

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12y ago

yes. Baby badgers playfight

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There are Eurasian badgers, hog badgers, American badgers, ferret badgers, honey badgers, and stink badgers. I'm guessing that your question was, "What kinds of badgers are there?"

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Yes, they are very aggressive, even with their own kind.

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What could happen if a badger cross into a territory of another badger?

If the other badgers see the incomer a fight may break out. As badgers have very powerful jaws and sharp teeth they could end up with nasty injuries . When a badger gets into a fight with another badger it might end up with a wound on its rump.

Are badgers mammals?

yes, badgers are mammals

Can badgers float?

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Do badgers have tails?

badgers do have tails.

Can badgers get aids?

Yes, at our enclosure we have a group of badgers and we think the origin of the HIV has been found in our favourite badger. Mitchell has contracted th disease from getting in a fight with another badger and sleeping in unfair conditions. He is alright now but we do think he will die.