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Yes, Moro (the eldest wolf and San's adopted mother) dies, but the pups do not

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Q: Do any of the wolves die in Princess Mononoke?
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Is there a Princess mononoke 2 movie?

I hope so, with todays advances in computer imaging, the strange world of Princess Mononoke could possible become a live action movie, i myself have thought about this, being a die hard fan of the movie i would love to see a live action film

Did the forest spirit die in princess mononoke?

No , Ashitaka and San return the head and all becomes green again - new life .

Why do wolves die?

wolves die of many reasons, they can die because of humans by: being hit by cars, by hunters killing them, and even being shot by someone scared of them. also wolves can kill other wolves if other wolves territory.

Do any of the wolves die in Breaking Dawn?

Spoiler Alert!No, none of the wolves die.

How wolves die?

Wolves can die by being hunt down by other animals or by unusual starvation.

What would happen if wolves didn't exist?

step by step? i dont know but alls i know is that without any of the animals that we have, the food chain will be all messed up and it will take a long time to get it to where it suposed to be if we lose any animal

How did princes Deanna die and when did it happen and did any die with her?

princess Deanna died in a car accident and so did her limo driver

How did Princess Anne Die?

Princess Anne is alive.

Do wolves actually come out in your backyard at night?

Wolves and humans usually don't mix well, which wolves tend to learn or die. So I can't imagine any place where backyard wolves would be a regular thing. Coyotes possibly, but not wolves. But wolves have been known to travel far in search of a mate and territory, which means that occasionally, wolves have been known to appear just about anywhere.

Will pet wolves come back to you if you die in minecraft?

No. If they die they die.

How did nat wolves brother die?


How do wolves adapt to their surroundings?

they die