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Lent is the 40 day fast in preparation for the day of Christ's Resurrection, so the only religion to celebrate Lent is Christianity. Within the Christian religion, Lent is part of the Liturgical Calendar, so all Christian denominations that follow the Liturgy celebrate Lent in some way. The Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican /Episcopalian Churches, Lutheran and most mainline Protestant Churches all celebrate Lent and mark the season with blue or purple hangings (paraments) and vestments.

The practice of giving up something for Lent is most common in the Roman Catholic Church, but may be practiced as an individual devotion by any Christian. It reflects the older tradition of a required fast that could be very strict and highly legalistic. Now an individual may choose to give up some pleasure, perhaps a favorite food or pastime such as television watching. By giving up something pleasant during Lent, one attempts to identify in a small way with the suffering of Jesus Christ in his passion.

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14y ago
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13y ago

It is highly recommended that you either give something up or do something special during Lent but it is not a requirement.

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13y ago

Here not only catholics give up something they like like smoking, drinking and eating non vegetarian food. Even protestants do it.

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14y ago

No, but they're jealous because they don't have a good reason to give up chocolate, like their Catholic friends.

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12y ago

give something up to remember how Jesus fasted for 40 day and 40 nights.

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It is ash Wendsday when Kathlics give up something for lent.

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Lent is a time of year in the Catholic church, prior to Easter, when you are supposed to give up something you like for 40 days. Giving up Facebook for lent is probably a joke.

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Because it shows that Jesus gave something for us, his life, and now we must in some way give something to him, to show that we are thankful for him dying on the cross for us. Lent is when you give something up for Catholic holiday.

What is lent and how do people mark it?

Lent is the 40 days before Easter when people give something that they like up (often chocolate). It ends at Easter.

How do you observe Lent?

Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter sunday. To participate in Lent in the Catholic religion, you have to fast, or give up, meat on Ash Wednesday and every Friday until Easter Sunday. Also, if you are not a small child, you have to give up something additional. You have to give up something that could harm you or be bad for anyone in some way. For example, you could give up TV or video games. i am giving up meat for the whole lent instead of just fridays. i am also going to stop gossiping because it could hurt others. Lent in Christianity means giving up dairy for the whole lent i think. Im not sure about Christianinity because i am not Christian, but i am positive for Catholicism.

Do protestants celebrate Lent?

it depends on their rite. but usually, the catholic church gives ashes at lent.

Is AshWednesday on Easter?

No ash Wednesday is exactly 40 days before Easter, it marks the beginning of lent and Easter marks the end of lent. lent is when you are asked to give something you love up for 40 days

How do you Christians celebrate lent?

give something up to remember how Jesus fasted for 40 day and 40 nights.

What are christians supposed to do on lent?

give something up to remember how Jesus fasted for 40 day and 40 nights.