Yes, they have, a number of times since Kid Cudi is from Cleaveland and LeBron Has played for the caviliers.
James and Lars knew each other since they were in their late teens but that's about it
Well, it depends on what you can name about each person. Like... LeBron James isn't as FAMOUS in my OPINION but Britney Spears isn't that TOUGH in my OPINION But don't doubt me wrong because you all have these AMAZING, and TALENTED opinions that anyone could come up with! It's in you.... you can imagine your opinions all the time! Trust yourself, and decide for your own! Just believe. Like you have been doing ever since. Thanks.
No, not at all. There are a couple of satire (joke) websites that make up stories about celebrities, and on one of them, it said Neil Diamond hates James Taylor, while on another, it claims James Taylor is afraid of Neil Diamond. Neither story is true. Both stars have performed at some of the same events, and there is no credible evidence that they dislike each other, fear each other, or wish each other anything but the best.
not ever it was written on uncelyopedia as a joke saying that Neil Diamond hates James Taylor and wants to kill him that is not true if they do meet each other this year it won -t be like that at all
If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other?
meet lebron James ulll fin out
Lebron james, air jordan,
Who cares kobe makes more ;)
Each team plays 70 games a year so if Lebron James doesn't get injured or anything, he'll play the whole 70 games per season.
they exchange pp touches
Michael Jordan has a great friend named Michael Tuvshinsaikhan and he was actually better at basketball than Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant,and Lebron James.
because he wanted to join dwyane wade so they can play alongside with each other and win a championship together and also cuz cleveland never brought him any help
No, although it almost happened. Lebron grew up watching and idolizing Michael Jordan, who was a dominant NBA player for nearly two decades. Jordan finally retired after the 2002-2003 season, while Lebron was the number one draft pick of 2003. But as close as the two came to playing against each other, it did not occur. Jordan had already retired in April 2003, before Lebron played his first NBA game, a pre-season match in October 2003.
Lebron James correct salary for the 2010-2011 NBA season is 15.7 million a year
LeBron James makes about $192,437.95 per game as of the 2009-2010 season.
No. They hated each other.
Michael JordanAlthough retired, Michael Jordan comes in as the richest basketball player ever, earning an estimated $45 million each year. In addition to being the face of Nike, with his brand topping $1 billion annually, the basketball legend is also part owner of the Charlotte Bobcats.