Distance between Vadodara Jn (BRC) to Ahmedabad Jn (ADI) is 100 km.
The population of Khambhat is 93,194.
1600km and 1800
The population of Vadodara is 1,602,424.
Well Khambhat is in West India, on the Mahi River estuary. Then the Gulf of Khambhat is a shallow arm of the Arabian Sea, and lies between Kathiawar peninsula and Gujarat. I hope that answers your question.=)
The population of Vadodara is 1,602,424.
Vadodara was created in 1950.
Vadodara is 100km South East of Ahmedabad.
The Distance between Mumbai (Maharashtra) and Vadodara (Gujarat)The approximately estimated travel by road distance can be around 427.51 km to 464.69 km.
Vadodara Airport. Harani Airport. Its about 6.2 Km from Vadodara City Centre
The city of Vadodara in Gujarat was formerly known as Baroda.