114 miles
93 miles
The shortest distance is 140 miles.
194 miles
The distance between College Station, TX and New Braunfels, TX is approximately 160 miles by road. This drive usually takes around 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
There is none, there literally right by each other.
Brenham, Texas is the original home of Bluebell ice-cream. They offer factory tours that are really interesting and end with a special sample treat of ice-cream. Brenham is a small "town" and may be hard to locate on a map. It is very near College Station, TX, home of Texas A&M University. Also in Brenham is Blinn College.
89.3 KSBJ in Houston or sometimes Sunny 99.1 in Brenham
It is 351 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance from El Paso, TX to College Station, TX is approximately 540 miles, which would take about 8-9 hours depending on traffic and route taken.
Sunset in Brenham TX USA is approximately 8:14 pm.
34 miles