2084 miles
2700 miles
The distance between Vancouver and Toronto is 3325km! The distance between the two places of Vancouver and Toronto is that they are four hundred miles apart and they are in the same place which is know as Canada.
4,375 km or 2,718 miles
About 2,723 road miles (4382km) from Vancouver, BC to Toronto.
The driving distance from Toronto, Ontario to Vancouver, British Columbia is 2,590 road miles - about 45 hours driving time.
The driving distance from Toronto to Vancouver is 2722 miles (4380 km). The halfway point along that route would be Kadoka, South Dakota.
It is 2,717 miles according to Google Maps.
; Distance between Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadaand Toronto, Ontario, Canada, as the crow flies: : 2091 miles (3366 km) (1817 nautical miles) ; Initial heading from Vancouver to Toronto: : east (83.7 degrees) ; Initial heading from Toronto to Vancouver: : west-northwest (296.2 degrees)
Non-stop Vancouver to Toronto is 4.5 hours Non-stop Toronto to Vancouver is 5 hours
Brampton is a suburb of Toronto about 25 miles away
8pm in Toronto is 5pm in Vancouver. Vancouver is in the Pacific Time Zone and is three hours behind Toronto, which is in the Eastern Time Zone.