The driving distance from San Diego, California to Medford, Oregon is 812 miles.
What is the distance from San Francisco, Ca to Medford ,OR? How long does it take by car? Mapquest shows it is 362 miles, about the same as the distance between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Driving time is estimated at about six hours.
It is about a six hour drive,
362 miles taking this route:Take I-5 SOUTH, from Medford, to I-505 SOUTH to SAN FRANCISCO off EXIT 553 in CALIFORNIA.Take I-505 SOUTH to I-80 WEST to SAN FRANCISCO at EXIT 1A.Take I-80 WEST to San Francisco.
527 miles
About 625 miles.
The air distance from San Francisco, California, to Eugene, Oregon, is 435 miles. That equals 700 kilometers or 378 nautical miles.
It is 350 miles accoring to Google Maps.
It is 530 miles according to Google Maps.
What is the distance from San Francisco to Calgary?
It is 391 miles according to Google Maps.
According to Google Maps, it is about 528 miles from San Francisco, California to the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon.