The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.The distance between the above mentioned places is 6020.8 nautical miles approximately.
buenos aires and new orleans
The shortest distance (air line) between Beijing and Buenos Aires is 19,273.02 km
The flight distance from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Buenos Aires, Argentina is 5,897 miles.
Flight time from Buenos Aires to London is 10 hours 45 minutes.
The average flight time from London to Buenos Aires is 14 hours and 20 minutes.
England (London) is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. Buenos Aires is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -3 hours, ie. 3 hours behind Greenwich, England. Buenos Aires is 3 hours behind London. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
Buenos Aires to Cleveland, Ohio is about 4,750 air miles.
The distance from Buenos Aires to Georgetown, Guayana is 2807 miles (4518 km).
The distance is 1973.3 km
The driving distance from Mendoza, Argentina to Buenos Aires is 652.84mi / 1050.65km
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 6,880 air miles.