From Charlotte, NC to Wilmington, NC is 198 miles; approximately 3 hours, 45 minutes driving time across U.S. 74.
The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Wilmington, NC is approximately 200 miles, which would take around 3.5 to 4 hours to drive.
198 miles down U.S. 74.
There are 3058.61 miles from Eugene, OR to Wilmington, NC. The estimated driving distance is 47 hours and 48 minutes.
Greenville and Wilmington North Carolina are 120.78 miles apart.
What is the distance form Charlotte nc to valdosta, GA
134 miles
The driving distance from Wilmington NC to Calabash NC is 48 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 57 minutes.
What is the distance between tampa, FL and Charlotte NC
I went to wilmington yesturday for a field trip and it was like 3 hours and im in Cary NC
i dont know
301.40 miles