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Guidance is an act of supervising a person, nurturing someone to do good sort of mentoring someone that wants direction with the occasional advice.

Counselling is just talking to the person having a problem and giving them advice.

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17y ago
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14y ago

Guidance is different than counseling because with guidance, it's mainly for little things, like how you can improve yourself or something like that, but with counseling, it is mainly for the major things like how to deal with getting raped or someone you are close to gets killed or raped or something along the lines of that. If it is something that you can't sleep over or all of a sudden you will just burst into tears and not know why, then i suggest going to counseling. However, if it is something that you just didn't like happen or if you broke up with someone you really liked for example (unless you are feeling depressed, please go to counseling) then i suggest guidance. They both give help, just different degrees of help.

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12y ago

Differences between guidance and counselling:

1. Guidance is open end i.e Can be given without request while counselling is close end. It requires the request of the counsellee

2. Guidance is the end product of counselling while counseling provides data for guidance.

3. Guidance provides directives to solve problems while counselling evaluates, analyses and give solution to the problem

4. Guidance is the praticum while counselling is the theorem

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12y ago

Guidance is informal, usually not given by a professional.

Counseling is usually formal and structured often done by professionals in the field they are giving advice about.

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13y ago

Guidance... simply helping person to chose one way or solution.. counseling is changing entire perspective of person, to get a solution all by himself/herself.

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What is the relationship between guidance and counseling?

Before stating the difference counseling is a subset of guidance. Out of the guidance service counseling services has been single out both guidance service and program this is because counseling is more crucial to understanding of oneself and the world. In guidance locus of control remain with the tutor but for counseling locus of control remain or moves towards the clients this means the clients is more involved at every stage of counseling In guidance tutor is information and advice giver but the counselor is a facilitator enabler not decision makers Guidance determine objective and method counseling jointly negotiate with clients in terms of agenda and methodology Guidance do assessment himself but in counselling clients participate in assessment and evaluation of problems Feeling is not important to learning in guidance but learning is seen as an emotional as well as a cognitive problem in counseling

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What Is The Difference Between Guidance And Counselling? Both Guidance and Counseling are process used to solve problems of life. The basic difference is in the approach. In the process of guidance, the client's problems are listened carefully and ready made solutions are provided by the expert where as in the process of counseling the client's problems are discussed and relevant information are provided in-between. In the end of the counseling process, the client himself/herself have a insight to the problem and he/she become empowered to take own decision. Since ready made solutions (taking decision for others) were provided in guidance, the client may or may not follow it but most often decision taken in the process of counseling are followed sincerely. The set of decisions comes out from guidance and counseling process may be same but in the first process the decision is taken by the guide where as the client take own his/her own decisions in the late

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What are some examples of guidance and counseling?"

How are family counseling and guidance counseling different?

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What is the difference between Guidelines and Guidance?

The difference between guidelines and guidance is that the former is usually stipulated by rules and regulations and comes in written format. Guidance, on the other hand, is not binded by rules and is a form of support which is typically given verbally.