Sardinia is always one hour ahead of London.
12:00 GMT = 13:00 CET (Oct-Mar)
13:00 BST = 14:00 CEST (Mar-Oct)
Sardinia is in the Central European Time Zone (CET), which is UTC+1. London is in the Greenwich Mean Time Zone (GMT) during standard time and British Summer Time (BST) during daylight saving time, which is UTC+0. Therefore, there is a one-hour time difference between London and Sardinia.
The time difference between Bangkok, Thailand, and London, United Kingdom, is usually 7 hours, with Bangkok being 7 hours ahead of London.
Time difference between London, England UK and Mumbai, Maharashtra India is: +5:30 hrs Mumbai is 5:30 hours ahead of London That means when it is 9:00 am in London, it is 2:30 pm in Mumbai.
The time difference between the western US (Pacific Time) and London is usually 8 hours. London is 8 hours ahead of the western US.
The time difference between London, UK and Adelaide, Australia is typically 9.5 hours. Adelaide is ahead of London.
The time difference between Aberdeen, Scotland and London, England is usually 1 hour, with London being 1 hour ahead of Aberdeen. However, this time difference may change depending on daylight saving time adjustments in each location.
What time the time difference between Taba and Newcastle England
The time difference between London and Ottawa is usually 5 hours, with London ahead of Ottawa. This difference may vary slightly depending on daylight saving time changes in each location.
The time difference between Bangkok, Thailand, and London, United Kingdom, is usually 7 hours, with Bangkok being 7 hours ahead of London.
There is no time difference between any two points within England.
The time difference between London, UK and Hanoi, Vietnam is 6 hours. Hanoi is 6 hours ahead of London. So, when it is 3 am in Hanoi, it is 9 pm in London.
Time difference between London, England UK and Mumbai, Maharashtra India is: +5:30 hrs Mumbai is 5:30 hours ahead of London That means when it is 9:00 am in London, it is 2:30 pm in Mumbai.
The time difference between the western US (Pacific Time) and London is usually 8 hours. London is 8 hours ahead of the western US.
London is 5 hrs. ahead of Cuba.
Kos is 2 hours ahead of London