no. ancient Japanese martial artists or "ninjas" used their own skills or would fight with what is called a bokken a large stick...or sharp discs and samurai swords
No, ninjas did not use bows and arrows. Ninjas mostly used Katanas and sometimes, Shruikens
no but they can get bows and arrows for diff lvls and shoot with them :D
ninjas use shurikens, kunais and hadoukens all forms of throwing weapons
Ninjas don't use karate or Kung fu. They use ninjutsu.
Recurve bows.
No, ninjas would rarely use nunchucks, if ever. Their primary weapon was the katana.
Ninjas use shuriken, also known as throwing stars. These small, pointed weapons are commonly associated with ninjas and are designed to be thrown at their targets.
Well,Some People Use Hoe like things,But Ninjas use Grappling Hooks,or Climbing Claws.
Because They Can
the girl katniss threw bows at her friends
They use power disc and say ninja storm ranger form
Some superheroes who use bows include Green Arrow, Hawkeye, and Katniss Everdeen from "The Hunger Games." These characters are skilled archers who use their bows and arrows as their primary weapons in combat.