Dizzy Dean is one of the best pitchers in The MLB
Dizzy Dean was born January 16, 1910, in Lucas, AR, USA.
No, Dizzy Dean didn't complete school. He lost interest after his mom died and he joined the Army instead.
Dizzy Dean Paul Dean dual-signed baseballA Dizzy Dean Paul Dean dual-signed baseball is worth about$1,500.-$2,500. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions.
Dizzy Dean
No Dizzy Dean did not have any children
Dizzy Dean is 6' 2".
Dizzy Dean's birth name is Jay Hanna Dean.
Dizzy Dean died on July 17, 1974 at the age of 64.
Dizzy Dean died on July 17, 1974 at the age of 64.
Dizzy dean hit 8 career home runs.
Dizzy Dean is one of the best pitchers in The MLB
Jay Hanna Dean
Dizzy Dean was born January 16, 1910, in Lucas, AR, USA.
Dizzy Dean died July 17, 1974, in Reno, NV, USA.
"Dizzy" Dean