

Did Socrates chose to live or die?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Did Socrates chose to live or die?
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Socrates surprised Crito by deciding to accept the death penalty rather than escaping from prison. Crito thought Socrates should escape because he believed it was unjust for Socrates to die, but Socrates upheld his principles and chose to abide by the law.

Did Socrates committee suiciede?

Socrates did not commit suicide. He was sentenced to death by drinking a cup of hemlock as punishment for corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety. Socrates accepted his sentence and chose to die by drinking the poison rather than attempting to escape or accept exile.

Which greek philosopher chose to drink poison instead of being exiled from Athens?

Socrates chose to drink poison (hemlock) as his punishment for impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens. He believed it was the right thing to do rather than live in exile.

In which country did Socrates live?

Socrates lived in ancient Greece.

Did socrates die from an overdose of hemlock?

Yes, Socrates chose to drink a cup of hemlock as his method of execution after being sentenced to death. It was a poison that led to his death as per the sentence imposed by the Athenian court.

Did socrates live in smarta?

No, Socrates did not live in Sparta. He was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in Athens.

Did Socrates live in Sparta?

No, Socrates did not live in Sparta. He lived in Athens, where he became known for his philosophy and teaching methods.

Did socrates die?

Yes, Socrates died on None

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Socrates N. Sherman died in 1873.

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Socrates Tuttle died on 1885-02-12.

Socrates is supposed to die when this occurs?

When he was sentenced to death by a court for impiety, he was given the choice of suicide or the normal one of having his throat cut and being thrown into a garbage pit. He chose to drink hemlock.

How did Solid Snake die?

He will die of old age, it's not in the game though. He chose to live his life peacefully until he dies.