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Q: Did Randy Orton ever helped john cena in WWE?
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Will john cena and Randy Orton ever be tag team champs?

Randy Orton and john cena are enemy's so they will never team up

Has John Cena ever kissed Randy Orton?

no not at all

Will john cena ever get another title shot at Randy Orton?

if orton beats sheamus at the royal rumble orton will face cena in a wwe championshipmatch

Has John Cena ever beaten Randy Orton?

Yes. For example in 2009 Hell in a Cell Orton beat Cena for the title. But at Bragging Rights in an Iron Man Match, Cena took the title from Orton.

Has Randy Orton ever been in a mixed tag team match?

yes A six man with it was john cena,carlito,trish stratus vs randy orton edge and lita

Who are the best WWE superstars ever?

Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Triple H, Randy Orton, The Miz, the underataker

Randy Orton will ever turn on legacy or legacy ever turn on Randy Orton?

Yes he turned on legacy.

How old was john cena when he went is the military?

cena was never in the military, he worked at a gym, became a professional weightlifter and has been a wrestler ever since. Randy Orton was in the military before wrestling.

Did cena ever kiss kelly kelly?

no, randy orton actually confirmed that in an interview! He said Kelly Kelly had been with a lot of wwe superstars but Cena, who is "happily married" wasnt one of them!

Can you ever meet john cena Randy Orton and batista?

Its possible. Go to live WWE shows, people run into wrestlers all the time at them.

What is the relation between Randy Orton and Tiffany Orton?

There is no relationship between Randy Orton and Tiffany Orton, he has never ever heard of Tiffany Orton. He is married to Samantha.

Who is better John Cena or Randy Orton?

If I liked Randy Orton or not (which I don't) I reckon he's no where near as good as John Cena. Cena I believe has so much potential and momentum from the crowds. randy Orton is called the viper cause usually beside in hell in a cell and when he beat Chris Benoit for the worlds championship has he ever played fair except in no dq encounters while cena is described has having alot of strength and with the fans cena is more popular and it does not matter if cena has 5 in ring moves or not Orton always without help seems to in one fall matches without help lose to john cena in my mind cena accomplished more by proving himself while Orton did not Well John Cena is very hot, compared to randy orton hes ugly a cheater n always needs help to win his matches. John Cena is not that way he actually is very strong n knows how to wrestle. N one more thing John Cena is VERY HOT!!!!!!! I LOVE JOHN CENA!!!!!!!! Randy Orton is a beeeeeeep!! This might not be what the question was but dx is better than anyone else in the wwe and always will be so SUCK IT!!!!!!