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Q: Did Henry 7th have his children after the war of the roses or before?
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Did King Henry the 7th have siblings?

I saw on a biography that his mother was unable to have more children after him, also his father died before he was born.

Who did Henry 7th fight in the battke of bosworth field?

That wasn't Henry VIII. It was his father Henry Tudor (Henry VII), who defeated the last Plantagenet King, Richard III, so ending the Wars of the Roses.

What helped Henry 7th keep peace after the war of the roses?

He married Elizabeth of York to bring together the warring houses of Lancaster and York and he executed and/or imprisoned anybody who tried to rebel against him.

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Henry th 7th

Did the wrong house win war of the roses?

no henrey the 7th one

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What year Henry the 7th rule

Who began the Tudor dynasty?

The Tudor dynasty was founded when the last king of the Plantagenet dynasty, Richard III was killed during the Battle of Bosworth Field (the War of Roses), and with no male heir to the throne, it was all the more easier for Henry Tudor VII to become king.

What religion was Henry VII?

Henry the 7th was a Catholic

Where and when did the battle of bosworth happen?

Fought on the 22nd August 1485 between the House of York and the House of Lancaster. It was the last significant battle leading to a victory for the House of Lancaster and the end of the Wars of the Roses

How did Henry 7th win the war of the roses?

The Yorkish King Richard wasn't very popular so people looked for distant relatives with a claim to the throne(Richard had murdered all the best candidates). A relatively unknown Welshman called Henry Tudor had a decent claim. He fought from Lancaster and defeated King Richard (Not the Lion-heart one) to become King Henry VII.

Who reined in 1509 instead of Henry the seventh?

do you mean who reigned after Henry 7th, if so King Henry 8th did :)

When King Henry the 7th die?