Folsom Arms Co was a trade name used by H&D Folsom Arms Company (1849 - 1954). These guns were manufactured by Crescent Fire Arms Co (1892-1931). Shotguns marked with this name were also imported from Belgium.
Worthington Arms Co. is a trade name used by the H&D Folsom Arms Co. on various types of firearms. Folsom was a large distributor of single and double barrel shotguns produced by Crescent Firearms Co., which Folsom owned. Folsom eventually sold out to Savage Arms Co. Worthington Arms Co. guns were made for George Worthington Co. of Cleveland, Ohio. The values can vary widely depending on condition and features. You would be best off having the gun appraised by a reputable gunsmith or advanced collector.
No way to give you an exact answer,due to no records. American Gun was owned by H&D Folsom Arms Co., 314 Broadway, New York City, from about 1893 to 1930. They made a lot of very low priced shotguns for H&D Folsom to market under the American Gun Co. and the Crescent Fire Arms Co. names.
H&D Folsom Co: large distributor for shotguns made by the Crescent Co. around 1930. Now it gets confusing. Crescent used over 100 different names and manufactures to make guns. American Gun made the H&D Folsom (House Brand) Shotguns under the Crescent contract. Get a hold of "standard catalog of firearms 18th edition" go to page 350 and start reading.
The New York Arms Co. was a name applied to firearms made by the H & D Folsom/Crescent Arms Co. This organization, Folsom/Cresent Arms, manufactured low cost firearms under a number of different names. You could actually buy the same firearm at a number of different stores with different names on it. H & D Folsom ( of New York, N. Y.) imported low cost firearms and distributed them under various names. Cresent Arms (a manufacture of low cost firearms) of Norwich, Conn. was acquired by the Folsom Co. to be ther manufacturing division. As all the records of this originazation have been long since lost or destroyed it is difficult to tell if the New York Arms trade name was from H & D Folsom (imported) of Cresent Arms ( made in Conn.).
Augustine H. Folsom died in 1926.
You'll probably have to find a gunsmith who can make your parts. Shotguns marked Baker Gun Co were made in Belgium or by Crescent Fire Arms, Meriden, CT, for H & D Folsom in the early 20th Century.
H B. Folsom has written: 'Midway congregational church' -- subject(s): Midway Congregational Church
Armory Gun Co is the trade name used by H&D Folsom Arms Co on Shotguns. Later sold to Savage Arms around 1930.
You probably can't as all the manufacturing & importing records for the H & D Folsom Arms Co. and its subsidiary Cresent Arms, who apparently made this firearm, have been either lost or destroyed. The Carolina Arms Co. was the name stamped on firearns by Folsom for the Smith-Wadsworth Hdw. Co. of Charlotte, N.C. The above info. comes from a source that admits that this info. is somewhat foggy.
The name Cherokee Arms Co. was used by C. M. McClung Co. of Knoxville, Tn. H & D Folsom was a supplier to the company and their main source of U. S. shotguns was their own company, Crescent Arms Co. Folsom also supplied imported shotguns ( read Belgium ) for their customers. McClune's was not married to Folsom, they could and probably did order shotguns from other companies- who ever had the best price. The name Cherokee was roll marked on all of them.
Probably J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co- although it was used at different times by other, including H & D Folsom.