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yes, people what don't you get dumb dumb dumb crazy fool.

please do not listen to this guy your not a fool your not crazy and your not dumb!!!! and for his info he doesnt know for sure because he wasnt there to witness it there are so many rumors going on around this world nobody knows a thing ..... so maybe he did beat her up nobody will ever know but rianna and Chris Brown!!!

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 16y ago

Yes.On there way to the grammys he punched her and he is in jail and she is in the hospital. BOO!!!!! Chris Brown!!!

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โˆ™ 15y ago

YES! but she didn't say that on her interview.

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โˆ™ 14y ago

No, he didn't.

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โˆ™ 16y ago

yes he did

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Q: Did Chris Brown bite Rihanna on the face?
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Did Rihanna and Chris Brown break up if so why?

Yes they did because the rumor was chris brown was hanging out with a brunette and rihanna slept with timbaland rihanna now has a black eye with bruises all over her face chris brown will go to court on march the 5th and rihanna 21st birthday party has been cancelled which was meant to be on the 20th of February very sad

Why was rihanna beaten up by Chris Brown?

Pop sensationn, Rihanna, was beaten byy Chris Brown after he caught her texting a friend of hers which was a boy. Chris, afterwards, used Rihannah as a punching bag by giving her several bruises on her face and lower body.

Why did Rihanna and chris brown get in a fight?

Because rihanna slept with J-Z and got a desease from him and then passed it to chris brown when they slept together Another thing that people think happened was that Rihanna found out that Chris Brown was cheating on her when she saw is txt's, so she threw his phone out the window. Chris lost his temper, stopped the car, got out, picked up a large rock, and smashed her face with it.

Why did Rihanna get hit by Chris Brown?

Rihanna and Chris brown was coming back from the Grammy awards and Chris brown got a text from his new girlfriend that night and Rihanna snatched the phone and read it and it read 'let's meet up later' than Rihanna slapped his face and Chris brown stopped the car and pushed her back and then when they reached their house they both went in and then he gave her a hiding.

Does Chris Brown took to rihaana this days?

Oh yeah big time. theres pictures of them kissing and on vacation in (i think) the Bahamas or Jamaica.just look on Google or something that'll give you much more information i can give you cutiegyrl1

Related questions

Did chris brown give Rihanna a black eye?

Yes there are unconfirmed reports of visible marks to Rihanna's face

Has rihanna ever got married?

No, but Chris Brown was going to propoes to her before he punched her in the face.

Why did Rihanna Chris Brown fight?

he fought rihanna that's why he is in jailand he dodo on his self and smared it in her face rihanna could not help but to call the cops after he slammed her face in the toilet and dodo`s on her face. this statement is true about what really happened with rihanna and chris if you do not believe answer .com maybe you should delete your page.

Did Rihanna and Chris Brown break up if so why?

Yes they did because the rumor was chris brown was hanging out with a brunette and rihanna slept with timbaland rihanna now has a black eye with bruises all over her face chris brown will go to court on march the 5th and rihanna 21st birthday party has been cancelled which was meant to be on the 20th of February very sad

Did rihanna break a leg?

Do you mean what Chris Brown did to her? If you do, then she is not okay. She had bite marks all around her right arm. Chris Brown threatened to kill her. Heres the scoop. One night, Rihanna and Chris had a huge fight, she threw the keys of Chris's car into the woods. Her couldn't find them. He punched her in the face, bit her on the arm, and nearly broke her jaw. On top of that, Chris choked her to the point that she passed out. He threatened to kill her, then took off. Later that night, he was found roaming around Las Vegas. He was put to jail, then bailed (bought) himself out. Rhianna is pressing charges for every thing Chris has.

Is it a rumor that chris beat Rihanna up?

No, it is not a rumor that Chris Beat Up Rihanna. The night of the Award Shows, Chris and Rihanna were seen and heard fighting. Later that night, Chris was seen leaving in his car. After that the police got a phone call saying that she had been beat up by Chris Brown. At the time, they did not know who the woman was. When the police got to the scene there was no apparent bruise or mark where the woman-Rihanna-said Chris punched her on her face, there was however a couple of bite marks on her arm. Chris might be given 5-10 years in jail, but because of Rihanna saying that she still loves him, Chris might get all of the charges dropped.

Name things Chris Brown did to rihanna?

he gave her alot of big huge bumps on her face and black and blues on her eyes

Why was rihanna beaten up by Chris Brown?

Pop sensationn, Rihanna, was beaten byy Chris Brown after he caught her texting a friend of hers which was a boy. Chris, afterwards, used Rihannah as a punching bag by giving her several bruises on her face and lower body.

Is It True That Cris Brown Smacked Rihanna?

Yes it is true that chris brown who is a jerk did beat rihanna for no reason and for your info all the people out there who like chris brown still think about this what if you were in that car with him and he beat you how would you like it???

Why did Rihanna and chris brown get in a fight?

Because rihanna slept with J-Z and got a desease from him and then passed it to chris brown when they slept together Another thing that people think happened was that Rihanna found out that Chris Brown was cheating on her when she saw is txt's, so she threw his phone out the window. Chris lost his temper, stopped the car, got out, picked up a large rock, and smashed her face with it.

Why did Rihanna get hit by Chris Brown?

Rihanna and Chris brown was coming back from the Grammy awards and Chris brown got a text from his new girlfriend that night and Rihanna snatched the phone and read it and it read 'let's meet up later' than Rihanna slapped his face and Chris brown stopped the car and pushed her back and then when they reached their house they both went in and then he gave her a hiding.

Did chris brwon and Rihanna go out before?

yes, they went out then rihanna was texting a dude and chris brom punches her in the face and went to jail...and now he has to stay away from rihanna for 5 years!