Cartilage is a connective tissue found between bones, joints, the ear, the nose, the rib cage, and at the inter-vertebral discs to act as shock absorbers.
Shiny smooth white marble.
The tissue that smoothens bone surfaces at joints is known as the cartilage, a connective tissue with Chondrocytes which produce the extracellular matrix.
Cartilage tissue.
hyaline cartilage A Hyaline cartilage, but lacking perichondrion
hyaline cartilage A Hyaline cartilage, but lacking perichondrion
The large cartilage of the anterior larynx is called the thyroid cartilage.
hyaline cartilage
hyaline cartilage
The thyroid cartilage is the specific cartilage in the larynx that gives the appearance of an Adam's apple, particularly in males due to its larger size and prominence compared to females.
Articulare cartilage is hyaline cartilage and it is a milky color.
Tagalog of cartilage: kartilogo
Combining forms for cartilage are: chondr/i or chondr/o