when you applying for a job as a call center agent. it's alwasy the best to say this line "just like in a call center, it is sorrounded by a people whose keep on talking and talking over telephone, considering my self i do really want to talk over telephone and sit in front of the computer.
The place of work should be clean and neat with ample structural and functional facilities for optimum physical and mental performance.The social environment should have a central plan with individual work delegated at each level with responsibility and accountability in a spirit of teamwork.The temperament of the workforce should be a collective motivation to achieve the best results.
cool and dry
An ideal work environment for a bank teller would be a in good area of town. It is also good for all banks to have security guards in all banks.
An ideal work environment is one which the number of employees is directly proportional to the work load that they are supposed to do.
Clinics or Hospitals.... Can also be self-employed!
There are a number of ways you could describe your ideal work environment and responsibility. You could say you work in an organized environment and that your responsibility is making sure it stays that way for example.
An ideal environment for kids is to play and no one stops them and there is no school.
well, to me an idle work environment is when there is no law to govern its members/ citizen within the environment, Secondly, an idle environment is when no one consider law as a fruit of life
An ecosystem is a community of living organisms and their physical environment interacting as a system.
The ideal work environment is one in which the entire team, or at least your immediate team, works together to get the job done. In an ideal work environment, my relationship with my supervisor is one in which there is open communication and my ideas, opinions and insight are always welcome, even though they may not be chosen. The supervisor leads by example, not with a "heavy hand," expects no more from her team than she is willing to do herself, works along side her team to get the work done, and genuinely appreciates your efforts..
An ideal work environment may depend on the job, and may like a job based on the job or the position they are in. An ideal job may also be one with friendly people.
it describes each category in which each personality falls into depending on what you want to work with
The ability to work well with many different personalities and have a great new challenge for a new environment of work.julimehsyne