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(1) Every individual has the right to take legal action In criminal the individual is the state prosecutor. In Civil it is the plaintiff.

(2) Every defendant has the presumption that they are innocent.
This means that the plaintiff/prosecutor has to prove them guilty and not innocent.

(3) Truth through adversarial contest.
That through the two opposing parties' arguments, the truth should be revealed.

(4) Impartial and Independent adjudicator.
A third party individual usually a judge who hears all arguments and is not bias to any party.

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4mo ago
  1. Adversarial nature: The legal system is based on opposing parties presenting their cases before a neutral judge or jury.

  2. Burden of proof: Each party is responsible for presenting evidence to support their case and challenging the other party's evidence.

  3. Conflict resolution: The system aims to reach a resolution by allowing parties to advocate for their own interests in a structured and fair process.

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What is key concepts?

Key concepts are the fundamental ideas or principles that underlie a particular theory, system, or practice. They are essential for understanding and applying the core elements of a subject or discipline.

What is the condition for a key to be a foreign key?

A key is considered a foreign key if it references the primary key of another table to establish a relationship between the two tables. It enforces referential integrity, ensuring that data in the foreign key column corresponds to data in the primary key column.

A judges view of law if of little importance in a common legal system?

A judge's interpretation of the law is crucial in a common legal system as they are responsible for applying and clarifying legal principles in specific cases. Their decisions contribute to the development of legal precedent and the evolution of the legal system. Additionally, judges play a key role in ensuring consistency and fairness in the application of the law.

What does the term foreign key mean in databases?

A foreign key is a field in a database table that is used to establish a relationship with another table. It ensures referential integrity by enforcing a link between two tables based on a matching key. This key is typically a primary key in the referenced table.

Can a primary key be a foreign key?

Yes, a primary key can also be a foreign key. This is known as a composite key, where one or more columns in a table are both primary keys for that table and also act as foreign keys linking to another table.

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