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Within a person: being torn between two opposing thoughts or possible courses of action. For example:

I am angry with my brother for drinking too much but I also feel sorry for him because his wife has left him.

I don't know whether to go to my daughter's wedding or to my dying father's hospital bed - it's too late to postpone the wedding, and I can't be in two places at once.

Within a country: undergoing conflict between factions from the same country (or city, or area), as opposed to conflict between one country and another.

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14y ago
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14y ago

hi, i believe you mean internal conflict. An internal conflict is a problem or conflict one deals with themselves (within oneself) whereas an external conflict would be a problem involving another force. An example of a person dealing with an internal conflict would be of an alcoholic, he knows he should stop drinking but he doesn't want to.

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11y ago

It's a private war within oneself. For example: you've got a job offer at the other town but your boyfriend/girlfriend (who you love a lot) has to stay and so you're having inner conflict because you want both to go and to stay.

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10y ago

An internal conflict is generally someone fighting with him or herself. It is a battle that takes place in the mind.

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13y ago

A conflict going on in a character's mind.

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15y ago

There are also quite a few other types of conflict. # man vs. enviroment # man vs. society # man vs. supernatural and # man vs. nature Sarah Heintz

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