According to kurtlewin (1988)Social Research is systematic method of exploring, analyzing, conceptualizing social life in order to extend, correct or verify knowledge aid in the construction of theory or in the practice of an art.
According to John W.Best (2002) Research may to define as systematic and objective analysis of controlled observations that may lead to development of organizations, principles & possibility ultimate control of events.
According to Kothari (2002) Research is a systematic investigation to find solution to a problem.
Cooper & Schindler (2003) Research in any organization is the inquiry carried out to provide information for solving problem.
According to Fred N. Kerlinger (2004) Scientific research is systematic controlled, empirical &critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among the natural phenomenon.
According to Wolf & Pant (2005) Research activities are deigned to discover knowledge aid in answering specific questions or issues
A Searching phenomenon by a being from existing knowledge, and unknown to public, or discipline concerned people can be named as (Re- means again and search refers unknown phenomenon from existing body of knowledge) research.
Thesis shape to any research can be consider a research document record.
PhD RESEARCH SCHOLAR IN ELT IN B S Abdur Rahman University Tamil Nadu India
define business
5 definitions of authors
Research is the systematic investigation, study, and analysis of a specific topic with the aim of discovering new knowledge, facts, theories, or principles. Authors and references provide credibility and support to research by citing existing studies, data, and sources that have influenced or contributed to the development of their own work. References also help researchers acknowledge the intellectual contributions of others and provide a basis for readers to further explore the topic.
The first thing you should do is clearly define your research question. This will help guide your research and ensure that you stay focused on the specific topic you want to explore in your essay.
define the scope of operations research
In a research paper what is the page that lists the authors and reference book titles?
please give me an author and his definition about RESEARCH.. thats my assignment.. please help me
a research question is question that you research and make a hypothesis (educated guess) to form the correct answer!!!!!!!!!!!!