I'm not from Florida but I have had an incident in the past I have been caught driving after curfew when I was 17. My state is Pennsylvannia so the penalty is probabley different from state to state. I got a fine for I think (can't 100% remember) over 100 dollars. The police officer then has to call a towtruck because I wasn't legally allowed to drive the car afterhours wich I had to end up paying for. The last thing he did was contant my parent/legal gaurdian to give me a ride home. I got points on my licence for this too.
Also you could receive a fine for being out after curfew. The officer that ticketed me mentioned it but said he was only giving me the one fine for driving after curfew. If you have other underage people with you, they could probabley also get fined.
Hope that helps.
By the law of Florida you do not have a curfew after the age of 16
The curfew for a 17 year old driver is from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m.
there are no curfew laws in Madison al
10 on weeknights, 11 on weekends.
Yes, it is 12am
anyone under 17 the curfew is 11pm-6am on week days and 12am-6am on weekends
Midnight for those under 18
Cannot be answered. Curfew laws are usually set by the local municipality. Call the police and ask.
The curfew is for anybody under the age of 17 is 12:01 on weekends. From Sunday to Thursday the curfew is 11:01.
It is legal in Florida for a 17 year old to date a 21 year old.