yes you can it just depends on what kind it is and how much you take
you cant get high off pain killers ull get very sick off them smoke green instead
snorting cocaine
no, but i got ripped off with some cocaine last night and it was chalk. WORST DECISION OF MY LIFE.
Yes you can. But only if you use it wrong or try to get high off it. I know someone who tried snorting it like coke and their heart literally exploded
"Riding the white pony" is a slang term that refers to cocaine use. It is a playful and euphemistic way to talk about snorting cocaine.
That is not commonly done. Anorexics will sometimes abuse painkillers in order to relieve their bodies of the stress that lack of proper nutrition and excessive exercise can place on them or to strive off hunger pains, but painkillers do not work as diet pills.
its used to get clean off of herion and other painkillers (such as perks and vicoden ect.)
When the take so much that they are "nodding " off to sleep. Pupils will be very small, and if they are scratching excessively than they are taking too much
When they could be drunk, or high...they could swerv and their reaction timing could be off.
First off, snorting methadone is not a good idea. If your asking what it feels like, it will burn the crap out of your nose and will get stuck up there. All methadone pills expand when they are exposed to moisture and grow to about 1-2 times there original size. On top of this, snorting methadone is pointless because it is a slow acting and absorbing drug. It does not absorb quickly into the bloodstream like many other opiate pills. So snorting methadone will not get you any more "high" than if you take it orally. You will actually lose a lot of the medication and feel less of its effects due to it becoming stuck in your nose. and taking forever to absorb.
It could mean, turn off your high beams.
large amounts of Raid.