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It's highly unlikely.

Brownish-red discharge always is old blood. If the sex was close to the end of your period, then the discharge is the last of period blood. If you aren't close to your period, is it possible you were injured?

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Intercourse often times causes bleeding. It is probably not a pregnancy indicator. It also depends on where you are in your cycle. But, depending on the degree of activity, bleeding can be quite normal after intercourse.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

If your period is a month late you can do a home pregnancy test and find out! You can have bleeding and spotting during pregnancy for many reasons, so it is best to consult your physician.

I dont know about the after sex ,but, I would say there is a good chance. If you have had unprotected sex, do a HPT.

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βˆ™ 18y ago

Yes this can be a symptom of pregnancy if you suspect that you are pregnant take an at home test ASAP or go to your doctor or local planned parenthood clinic to get a test and prenatal care if the result is positive...hope this helps, Good Luck and God Bless!! This could be a symptom of pregnancy yes especially if you have unprotected sex. Do a test when your period is due.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

No. A period in itself is also not a "sign" of pregnancy. Although it does happen sometimes, many women don't have their period while pregnant. If you are unsure, see you doctor. If you do not want to see a doctor, take an at home pregnancy test.

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Q: Could light pink discharge right after intercourse be a sign of pregnancy?
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The brown discharge could be a sign of pregnancy, or just your period. The only way to know is to get a pregnancy test. Safe sex, kiddos.

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That is a sign of infection not pregnancy. NO YOU NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR AND GET CHECK OUT YOU COULD HAVE AN STD white cleardischarge

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Yes, you could be. Take a pregnancy test

Should there be Light bleeding in early pregnancy after intercourse?

Sometimes there is light bleeding (of the pinkish variety) after intercourse because the cervix is very sensitive when you are pregnant. Always keep a eye on ANY bleeding though. Congrats on your pregnancy!

If i have Positive pregnancy test but have cramps and when i wipe slight pinkish discharge?

Some light cramping can be normal along with some light pink or brown discharge with a pregnancy. But it's best to check with your OB/GYN for a more accurate answer for your exact situation.

What does light pink discharge right after intercourse mean?

This can indicate pregnancy, it did for me. Take an early test a few days before your period is due to check.

I have taken a positive test i am are about 6 weeks should I be worried because i have brown and light pink discharge?

NO.unless the bleeding gets heavy then i would call your doctor,but sometimes light pink discharge could mean the weight of your pregnancy,but if it keeps doing it then i would go to the doctor

Can you have a light pink discharge with pain on the left side and be pregnant?

Yes. You might have a tubal pregnancy. Yes you can.

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Go see your doctor.

Is red spotting a sign of pregnancy if it occurs 6 days after intercourse for only 2 and a half days and could it be implantation bleeding?

It's possible. I experienced it 4 days after conception, and lasted 5 days very light.

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It's best to perform a pregnancy test 3 weeks after you last had intercourse. This way it will be accurate.

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still could be, you should see a doctor and have a blood test done