yep! You can tell because you can cut the word in two, and get two words. (flash and card)
Examples of compound words for 'card' are:birthday cardbusiness cardcardboardcard catalogcard gamecard sharkcard stockcard tablecredit cardChristmas carddebit cardflash cardgreen cardgreeting cardID cardkey cardlibrary cardmemory cardPAN cardplacardpostcardration cardregistration cardscore cardSocial Security cardtime card
Yes, "postcard" is a compound word formed by combining the words "post" and "card" to create a single word with a specific meaning.
yep! You can tell because you can cut the word in two, and get two words. (flash and card)
Examples of compound words for 'card' are:birthday cardbusiness cardcardboardcard catalogcard gamecard sharkcard stockcard tablecredit cardChristmas carddebit cardflash cardgreen cardgreeting cardID cardkey cardlibrary cardmemory cardPAN cardplacardpostcardration cardregistration cardscore cardSocial Security cardtime card
card+board hard+board head+board cup+board
No, the compound noun 'card game' is a common noun, a general word for any card game of any kind.A proper noun is the name of title of a specific person, place, or thing.
No, building is not a compound word.
The contraction (not a compound word) is doesn't.
Upwards is a compound word.