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You don't necessarily have a problem - circumcision has NO age limit.

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3y ago

Had mine done at 57, some problems with foreskin get worse as you get older.

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Q: Circumcision you are 40 years if do know is there any problem?
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Related questions

Can you get circumcised at 14 years old?

Circumcision is possible at any age, but circumcision is usually unnecessary. The only cases in which circumcision should be performed is when the foreskin is painfully tight around the head of the penis and/or cannot be retracted to allow urine flow. Circumcision is mostly performed due to false assumptions and faulty beliefs about cleanliness and also aesthetics. There is no advantage to circumcising.

Who are the doctors perform circumcision in bellingham?

I looked for doctors that did this but could not find any that seemed to know what they were talking about. Take care for sharletans.

What country has the highest female circumcision?

Egypt has the highest female circumcision than any other country. Africa is the second most country with high female circumcision.

Did circumcision have any significance to the Midianites?

We are not told in the Bible about Circumcision and the Midianites. You might find something in Midianite history.

Do you learn about circumcision at school?

If by school you mean primary or high school, no. I am unaware of any school that teaches about circumcision in its curriculum.

Why the for skin is remaning when 30 year old men want circumcision?

If any foreskin remains, it's a partial circumcision.

Is male circumcision necessary for any reason at all?


Are there any circumcision clinics in southend on sea?

yes i think

What country has the highest circumcised?

Egypt has the highest female circumcision than any other country. Africa is the second most country with high female circumcision.

Organizations for circumcision?

No medical associations either in the United States or abroad recommend routine circumcision. Circumcision does not decrease the chance of getting any disease and has no known medical benefit. The procedure itself carries risks of complications and adverse effects, and this is why medical organizations oppose routine circumcision.

What are the positive effects of female circumcision practiced in Africa?

There aren't any.

You are 37 uncircumcised men you like to circumcised is it possible now?

Yes, circumcision can be performed at any age. In fact, it is far easier to perform circumcision on adults.