Is it legal to have a pet capuchin monkey in Texas?
Well I also live in Texas and was wondering the same thing and
it turns out that Texas is one of the partial primate banned
states(i.e. some species of monkeys are banned)
I am pretty sure that the only species of monkeys that are
banned (as pets) are orangutans and or chimpanzees .
But Capuchin monkeys are aloud .
My cousin and her friend are both 32 and they both live in the
same apartment and they both have their own White-faced Capuchin
Monkeys . I love it when they come over with them , Ozzy and Izzy.
Ever since they came over when I was 7 I have been wanting one
(they both live in Texas) .
Your Welcome .
I'm From the UK and i watch this show (its a documentary) and
these ppl from the UK go everywhere (including texas) and rescue
monkey used as pets so they mite come and see you.