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Yes, you can use ear piercing cleaner on a nose piercing.

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Q: Can you use a ear piercing cleaner on my nose?
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Do they do nose piercing at piercing pogoda?

Nope! They only do ear piercings on the lobes and cartilage's. Nothing that requires a actually needle. Just things that they can use those disposable guns on.

Can you use aloe vera on your nose piercing?

yes of course you can use aloe vera on nose piercing. it gives you a cooling effect and cures it soon. i had a nose piercing bumb erlier. i used aloe vera on it every day and night and now its gone.

How much does a nose piercing hurt when piercing it and after?

A nose piercing hurts more when piercing it than after it is done. The pain generally lasts a few seconds and if done by a professional it hurts less because they use quality needles.

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Does it hurt to get a nose piercing done with a gun?

Do not get it done with a gun! Its really dangerous and any piercing shop should know this, if a piercing place is saying they do it with a gun. Do NOT go to them. Do it with a needle only. Guns are only for ears, and your not even supposed to use a gun on the cartilage of your ear, it could shatter your cartilage.

Is Hibiclens good to clean your nose piercing?

It is not appropriate to use Hibiclens antiseptic to clean your nose piercing because it does not favor quick healing; instead, use sea salt soaks.

What do i use to clean your nose piercing?

Alcohol should not be used on any piercing. Soaking your piercing in sea salt is best. you can also use non scented antibacterial soap to clean your piercing

Is 14g too big for your initial ear piercing?

no, a fourteen gage ear piercing is not to big. In fact people use much large gages than 14.

How much for a top ear piercing what stud do you use for it?


Can you pierce your own tragus?

A Tragus piercing is a technically challenging piercing that can't be done without knowledge of the structures of the ear and cartilage. Permanent ear and hearing damage can be done when attempted by novices. Listen use common sense and leave piercing to the hands of professional body piercers who will use aseptic methods and materials to provide the piercing in a safe manner. This is not a piercing gun piercing.

Does Claire's offer hoops as an ear piercing earring?

No, Clarie's don;t offer hoops as an ear piercing option because they don't do ear piercings. What Claire's use is a piercing gun which is more like cattle branding than a piercing, because they use a gun they have to use studs that fit into the gun. If you go to an actual piercer they can use hoops.

Can you use ear piercings for your lip piercing?

yeah but its probably not the best thing to do.