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NO!!! 7mm-08 ammo like ALL ammo should only be used in guns specifically marked for that type of ammo. it is unsafe to use any ammo whose markings don't match the gun you are using. even a small difference like +p or mag can cause serious injury or death<, even if the ammo looks like it is the same or "fits"in the gun. if unsure of any ammo/gun please take to a local gun shop for professional opinion

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gobeli arms

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1y ago

No, 7mm-08 ammo is not interchangeable with 7mm Mag rifle. Although they have similar bullet diameters, the cartridges have different dimensions, pressure levels, and velocities. It is crucial to use the correct ammunition specified by the firearm manufacturer for safety and optimal performance.

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Q: Can you use 7MM-08 ammo in a 7MM Mag Rifle?
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That stands for the caliber of your firearm,and what ammo should be shot through it.

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The 7mm Ultra Mag is a Remington cartridge. THE model 70 is a Winchester rifle. Winchester does not chamber the Model 70 For the 7mm Rem. Ultra Mag cartridge.

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No, the 22 Mag will not fit.

Can you shoot a 7mm Remington mag in a 7mm Weatherby rifle?

DO NOT DO THIS!!!! The OAL on the 7mm Mag is 2.5 inches and the 7mm Weatherby is 2.55 inches. SInce they headspace on the belt, and due to the freebore in the Weatherby, the 7mm Mag may chamber in the Weatherby. SAAMI lists the 7mm Mag/7mm Weatherby as an unsafe combination one will probably chamber in the other. DO NOT SHOOT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT AMMUNITION!!!!

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You will have to shoot as many different brands and bullet weights as you can find/afford. The rifle will exhibit a preference for one or two.

What ammo can a win mag rifle shoot?

Only what it is chambered for.

Do you have to use weatherby ammo in a weatherby?

The answer is yes...and no There are several models of Weatherby rifles. Different models are avail. in a plethora of calibers. Here is an example: If you have a Weatherby Mark V chambered for 7mm Weatherby Mag YOU CANNOT shoot 7MM Remington Mag ammo. Dont look at the manufacturer of the ammo, look at the caliber and do not interchange. Weatherby has several "propriatary" calibers, wby 7mm, wby 270, wby 257, wby 460, and others. Look on the barrel for the caliber stamp. If your rifle is chambered in one of these "weatherby" calibers, you must shoot either Wby ammo, or reload. If your rifle is chambered in a standard caliber (270 win, 30.06, 243, 7mm, 257, etc,etc, you can shoot any munufacturers ammo that is in that caliber. Hope this helped, any questions:

What is the value of a weatherby 7mm mag rifle?

100-1000 + depending on specifics

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100-1000 USD