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Yes, as prescribed by a doctor and under a doctor's care.

Hyrocodone is the generic name for Vicodin; gabapentin is the generic name for Neurontin.

You should never take either drug unless it is prescribed FOR YOU by a doctor.

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15y ago
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15y ago

I have been
taking oxycodone for the past four weeks and have been taking 350MG of lamictal as well as 100MG of zoloft for close to two years now, havent had any major problems with it other than building a tolerance and wanting more.

I think you should be just fine.

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14y ago

(I am not a doctor) I have been taking 300mgs of Lamictal once a day for 10 years due to a seizure disorder and in that time I have been prescribed vicodin for a few dental issues. I noticed no adverse effects. It may be only subjective, but I did notice that it wasn't as effective as ibuprofen. So it is possible that Lamictal may reduce the effectiveness of vicodin. But as with any drug you are unsure about, always consider what other medications you are currently prescribed.  

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15y ago

My Dr. has prescribed both of these medications to me and I have no side effects at all from them. So I would have to say YES you can take Lexapro and Hydrocodone at the same time as long as you take them as prescribed.

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14y ago

(I am not a doctor) I have been taking 300mgs of Lamictal once a day for 10 years due to a seizure disorder. In that time I have been prescribed vicodin and Percocet for a few dental issues. I noticed no adverse effects. It may be only subjective, but I did notice that it wasn't as effective as ibuprofen. So it is possible that Lamictal may reduce the effectiveness of pain killers. But as with any drug you are unsure about, always consider what other medications you are currently prescribed.

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13y ago

I did the other day with my friends. I've been on lamictal for years now for epilepsy. for my weight one lortab was supposed to be enough. my friends took the same amount and it seems lamictal shortens the experience.

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12y ago

Yes you can, because anti deppressants do not interact with the hydrocodone

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12y ago

I take Lamictal with an opiate and it is prescribed by my doctor that way. You could always call your pharmacist and ask just to be sure given different doses have different effects.

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Q: Can you take Lexapro and hydrocodone?
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