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Yes and no.

Depenends on which specific steroid and which specific anithistamine.

Steroids do not synthesis as same with antihistamine ; depending on the steroid it could cause the antihistamine to become useless.

Steroids are chemical enhancers ; the purpose is to increase a specific hormones it targets; in the brain chemistry. steroids are a direct affect into the brain itself causing complication to cells. without synthesizing , there is no chemical change in the body to reduce any toxin; the toxins directly affect cells.

Antihismines are chemical synthesizer(speific to decrease histamine): synthesizers are drugs made to react with the body(liver) to help produce the chemical outcome the drug is ment to do. syntheziser only add or take away to what is already being produces by the body itself without enchancement. Because they add and take away, the dangers are less then steroids- synthesizer are still toxic and deadly to the body but a lesser toxin then steroids.

Now there are alternative chemical synthesizer that immitate steroid functions like corticosteroids , these would be safe to take with a antihistamine considering the drugs are in the same boat; Predison and bendryl are the top one/

unless presxribed by docotor or in emergency situation- stay away from steroids . period.

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