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Technically, no your not "supposed to". The two are not dangerously contraindicated but they will have an effect on eachother. With any amphetamine it will tell you to be careful eating or drinking anything acidic or will increase stomach acid (such as Orange Juice) as well as anything that would decrease stomach acid (tums, Any proton inhibitor pump-prilosec). The reasons being is because taking either something acidic or something to decrease acidity will effect the absorption of your amphetamine (adderal

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Q: Can you take Prilosec with Concerta?
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Can you take Metformin together with Prilosec OTC?

Yes, this would be OK. Prilosec is a stomach acid reducer. It is not going to interact with the metformin. Remember to take the Prilosec when you first get up so that it can act all day.

Can you eat grapefruit while taking chlorthalidone?

I am on Depakote, Clonazepam (Klonopin),Concerta & Prilosec and was concerned about eating grapefruit while on these medications (as I've heard that there can be a negative response while taking some medications and grapefruit together)...~ I just called my pharmacist and listed all these medications for her, and she said that they are ALL FINEto take while eating grapefruit. YAY!~ She went on to say that mostly, there is a concern with taking cholesterol-lowering medications and eating grapefruit. ~ SO, if you are taking: DEPAKOTE, KLONOPIN (Clonazepam), Concerta, or Prilosec (Omeprazole), NO WORRIES! EAT YOUR GRAPEFRUIT & ENJOY!

Do health insurance companies accept Prilosec coupons?

Prilosec coupons take money off your total cost. These coupons do not reduce your copay.

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Can you take Omeprazole and Cyclobenzaprine together? Thank you Pam

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How long does Concerta stay in your urine?

if you take concerta and stop and have to take a drug test two days later, will concerta show up at all.

Can i take prilosec with methadone?

Prilosec can have interactions with methadone. You should not start taking any new drug, over the counter or otherwise, without first speaking to your doctor.

If you take Concerta can you take an over the counter expectorant?

Yes; taking some expectorants can reduce the effectiveness of Concerta. If you need to take an expectorant for an extended period of time, consult your doctor.

Can diabetics take Prilosec?

I am diabetic and I am prescribed Prilosec. However it does not mean it is for everyone. There are side effects known with this drug just as with any prescription drug. A pharmacist should be able to help with more detail even if you have questions about the over the counter version of Prilosec.

How do you abuse Concerta?

Take it when you don't have ADD or ADHD.

Can you take Concerta before your blood test?
