Every person's personal limits are different. The active ingredient in sleeping pills, doxylamine succinate, affects everybody differently, and there is no accurate report of how much it would take to overdose.
I've worked in pharmacy for awhile. There is no know interaction between the too. However to be on the safe side do not take anymore than 25mg of Doxylamine Succinate and take a regular does of ibuprofen NOTHING with added codeine in it! As one is an anti-inflamatory and the other is a calmative it MAY slightly increase the "hungover" feeling the next day. Personally I find a bit of caffeine helps make that go away but it depends on the individual!
This is a question for your doctor as they have your medical history and know your dosages. Don't trust people that only inform others on here-say... There are multiple cases of Drug Toxicity reported when combining xanax with doxylamine succinate.
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Your muscle tissue could quickly breakdown causing irreversible kidney damage (a disease called rhabdomyolysis), slip into a coma, or even die. The LD50 (median lethal dosage) of doxylamine succinate is 50-500 mg/kg, depending on the person. It's best to not take any amount within or beyond that range.
Doxylamine succinate is one of the many sedating antihistamines used by itself as a short-term sleep aid, in combination with other drugs as a night-time cold and allergy relief drug
You can but why would you? In presribed doses the medications don't have any issues with each other but they can make you vomit uncontrolably and possibly cause renal failure; even in doses that are slightley larger than directed.
Depending how much food you have eaten that night, anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. To be safe, take it roughly 30 minutes before sleep.