Yes you can.. but you have to tell the person your selling it to that its expired and you also have to give them a break on value..
The fine for expired registration in Ohio depends on how many days past the expiration for the registration is. If it is less than 10 days the fine will be 10% of the annual outstanding vehicle license fee. If the registration is over 30 days and less than a year the fees will be 60% of the registration fee.
In Nebraska, one would deduct the vehicle registration fees. You will deduct the fees based on the value of the vehicle.
After 30 days, the penalty accumulates $1 per day up to 100 days, for a $100 maximum penalty. If the vehicle has been sitting for longer, they'll charge the registration for the expired year, and each expired year up to the current year, plus 100 penalty cumulative for each year following. Example... I have a VW with a munched transmission which has been sitting since August 2011. I'm finally getting it back on the road in July 2013. The tag expired Feb 2012. The fee to update the tag was the 2012 registration ($21 + 100 penalty) and then the 2013 fee, another $21 + 100 penalty. Total: $242
When an individual drives on expired tags in Maryland, there will not be a penalty fee. It is illegal to drive with expired tags, however. Registration renewal can be completed over the phone, by mail or online.
You do not need a license to purchase or register a vehicle in Minnesota, but you must have a valid license to drive it.You need to do the following to register a vehicle in Minnesota:Show ID. Picture ID must be current or expired less than five years ago. Non-picture ID must be current or expired less than one year.Provide proof of vehicle ownership.Provide proof of liability insurance.Pay the registration fee ($22.50, or current amount).Provide an odometer reading.Pay registration tax (depends on type, age, and original value of the vehicle).
You can contact the How_do_you_find_out_if_the_car_you_bought_is_stolen_for_freedepartment of the country to now about the vehicle's past....I am an Indian and if you are in India, you can just submit a form in the Motor Vehicles Department with the Registration Number of the vehicle (you want to know about) and a small registration fee, to know about the vehicle's entire past.
You can contact the vehicle department of the country to now about the vehicle's past.... I am an Indian and if you are in India, you can just submit a form in the Motor Vehicles Department with the Registration Number of the vehicle (you want to know about) and a small registration fee, to know about the vehicle's entire past.
You need to take your Vehicle Ownership Certificate (pink slip) to your State Motor Vehicle department. If you are the sole owner, then you can get a new registration issued in your name only. You'll of course have to pay the Registration fee since it's a new one. Make sure you have your license with you - it can get embarassing if you show up without it...
what are registration and license fees on a new car in north carolina
the fee for violating the registration plate rules are .. * A fine of up to £1,000 * The registration mark may be WITHDRAWN * The vehicle may FAIL the MOT test
Every citizen who purchases a vehicle for the first time will have to pay the initial registration fee of $225 in order to secure a registration and license plate. If a vehicle owner acquires an additional vehicle, the owner will have to pay the $225 fee for each additional vehicle they acquire where there is no license plate to transfer. Essentially, based on the above example, vehicle owners in Florida who purchase a vehicle without having a license plate to transfer will pay approximately $378.10 for the first time. Thereafter, it will cost an average of $71.85 per year to renew their vehicle registrations. In this current economic climate the increase in vehicle registration fees will have an adverse impact on many purchasers' ability to buy vehicles. Specifically, this will adversely impact low income car shoppers.
The car registration fees in New Jersey are based on the age and the weight of the vehicle. For instance, if the car is older than two years and weighs under $3,500 pounds, the registration fee as of September 2014 is $46.50. If the car is older than two years and weighs over 3,500 pounds the registration fee is $71.50.