You will never be able to see your baby's heartbeat in your stomach. But at around 6 weeks, you can see it in your womb via ultrasound. Usually over 6 weeks it can be heard through a fetal heart monitor too.
depends on how many weeks it has being but yes when you go for a pregnancy scan
At 8 weeks I heard my baby's heartbeat..., but at 14 1/2 wks I saw it on an ultrasound. :) Hope this helps!
lie down in the bath with your ears uder the water like your washing your hair!! make sure its really quiet, first you will hear your heartbeat then you will hear the babys, you know its the babys because its double the speed of yours!!
no. they have their own heartbeat. if you are pregnant and go to the doctor they can put a fetal monitor on you and you will be able to hear the babys heartbeat.
well not really
The heartbeat you feel in your lower stomach is the abdominal aorta beating and it is perfectly normal.
Some people can see the heartbeat at 6 weeks, and some people can't, it all depends on the person. Some people can see the heartbeat at 4 or 5 weeks, while others can't see it until 7 or even 8 weeks.
Not neccesarily but you need to see your dr. ASAP bc you could be.
You will never be able to see your baby's heartbeat in your stomach. But at around 6 weeks, you can see it in your womb via ultrasound. Usually over 6 weeks it can be heard through a fetal heart monitor too.
No, you would have to be a rare case of super-sensitive to be able to feel that. To date, I have never heard of a woman who can feel the baby's heartbeat. What you may be feeling is your own heartbeat as the blood flow to your uterus is increased. Or it may be just the baby kicking. Many babies also seem to get hiccups which can be a very regular beat, often at the same time each day.
Yes, definitely! That is a sure-fire pregnancy test!