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No! This is very risky. Some may disagree with me, but I know different. Anything that goes against the laws of nature, eg: extreme speeds, gravity defying, free falling, may have adverse if not fatal effects on the developing child. Wait until after the baby is born, then go. It's better to be safe than sorry.

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18y ago
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17y ago

You should not go on a roller coaster 3 weeks pregnant you are at a higher risk of miscarring in the first three months and going on a roller coster that pulls and jiggels and thrashes you around would be a bad Idea.

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15y ago

For many people, summer is the time to go to an amusement park and enjoy the sun while riding Roller Coasters and other exciting thrill rides. Unfortunately, for women who are pregnant, many of the activities found at amusement parks are not recommended. Disney, Six Flags, Busch Gardens and even your local state fair all pose warning signs not to ride certain rides during pregnancy. Although there are no studies documenting a problem with these types of rides while you are pregnant, there are no studies documenting that they are safe either. The concern with roller coasters, thrill rides, and virtual rides during pregnancy is associated with the rapid starts and stops, the jarring forces, and the pressures against the body that occur during these types of rides. This rigorous activity creates additional jarring forces within the uterus that may lead to premature separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus, which is called placental abruption. The jarring force from even slow automobile accidents has caused placental abruption, miscarriage and other complications for women who are pregnant even when the trauma is not directly to the uterus. Although the jarring force is usually less with amusement park rides, it still warrants precaution. Although there are women who have been pregnant and ridden the various thrill rides without complication, it is a risk that should be avoided. Amusement parks are good at identifying rides that pose risks to pregnant women . The safest course of action is to play it safe and avoid the rides that pose a risk; you can always return to the park and enjoy the rides after you deliver your baby.

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11y ago

No, because the jarring and getting thrown around can cause placenta abruptae, in which the placenta is torn from the uterine wall and the fetus bleeds to death.

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13y ago

No, you cannot ride on a roller coaster while 4 months pregnant. If you do you will damage the baby.

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13y ago

no it's not going at a fast speed and twisting and turning could be dangerous for your baby in your stomach

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15y ago

No. That is why they tell you not to at the ride on all of the signs.

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13y ago

I'm not sure I've never tried...

maybe you could try and then tell me

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Q: Can you ride a roller coaster while being 3 months pregnant?
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I know its not safe if you want to know specifics on why ask your doctor.

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What form of energy does a descending roller coaster car?

Potential energy being turned into kinetic energy

How does the law of conservation-of energy relate to roller coasters?

It is easier to see this using a traditional roller coaster model. Most traditional Roller Coasters start by using a tow cable to pull them up a large "hill". When being pulled up this hill, mechanical energy is being used to give the roller coaster potential energy. At the top of this hill, the roller coaster has it's maximum potential energy. As it starts to go down another hill, it picks up speed. During the descent it is losing potential energy but at the same time gaining kinetic energy. The coaster will then lose kinetic energy but gain potential energy as it goes up the next hill. This cycle of gaining/losing potential and kinetic energy is the conservation of energy that you are looking for. Of course in a real roller coaster, some energy will be lost due to friction. This will come off as heat in the rails and the wheels of the roller coaster and it's structure.

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It's being re-assembled in Green Bay, Wisconsin. GO PACKERS!

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The makers have not given a specific year yet.

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