Yes, females areusually not aggressive, but if they are than you should take them out, but besides that they should have no problem being with other fish, but the males are not as aggressive as everyone thinks. The male Bettas will ONLY attack other Bettas or fish with long, flowing fins BECAUSE they mistake them for another male Betta.
"no they dont. i had a male beta fish and when i first went to the pet store to get him, they said that males and females will kill each other and other animals. but, the guy at the store did point out that the males look "prettier" because of their longer fins. have fun with your fish =]]"
Is wrong.
Bettas can be paired with other 'betta friendly' fish.
Theres a choice of fish they can be paired with.
Most male bettas should not be paired unless they are very friendly.
I have three females and they get along perfectly, But you cannot pair males.
I'm going to soon pair them with new fish.
Fish that can be paired with bettas are,
Some Gourami's
Paradise fish
Some barbs and some danios.
I think tetras and snails, and certain gouramis are best for a community type tank.
seriously to be on the safe side dont and really dont if its another betta fish
Yes Bettas are a quiet timid fish so they should only be kept with small fish. Of course I asume you will not be overstocking the tank The basic rules for successfull fishkeeping are as follows. :- 1 inch (2.25cm) of fish needs at least 1 gallon (3.78ltrs) of water. Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you follow the above rules, feed the fish the correct diet and keep the container covered and at 78F a Betta will do OK. (Most other species will do well at the above temp) I can guarantee that if you don't keep the preceeding rules that your fish will have constant health problems and will live a considerably shorter life.
Yes,but those betas can not have baby's together!
No, it is generally not recommended to put other fish with bettas in the same tank as bettas are known to be aggressive towards other fish, especially those with long fins or bright colors. It is best to keep bettas in a tank by themselves.
Male Bettas can not be kept with any other members of the Betta family. They can be kept with other species quite safely but will not tollerate another Betta (male or female) in their vicinity. Female Bettas can be kept together OK.
You can NOT keep female and male bettas together! Male bettas can get very aggressive and will fight to the death. Make sure to separate your bettas.
I've always been told that bettas should live seperately which seem rediculous because they don't live like that in nature. Yes, bettas can live with other fish. Male bettas can get along with plecos, some tetras, mollies, guppies (not the fancy sort), etc. They should not be put with fish that have long fins, nor should they be kept with fish nippers (like barbs). Males can not live with other bettas though. Female bettas can live with other female bettas (as long as there are more than two females since they have a pecking order). Female bettas can live with the type of fish I described for the male, as well. Just be careful with tank mates, and have a back up plan if the fish do not get along. Make sure each fish has plenty of space and love, and you should be fine. -Raz
no they will kill each other bettas are vicous
That's not it's species- but bettas will be aggressive towards other fish. Two males shouldn't be put together, neither should a male and female. Two females would be okay
Bettas are agressive towards smaller fish, so neither.
No, it is not recommended to house female bettas with parrotfish. Parrotfish are aggressive and can be territorial, which could lead to stress, injury, or even death for the female bettas. It's best to keep them in separate tanks to ensure the well-being of both species.
I am not sure.but i am confused why you put Mexican walking fish. bettas and Mexican walking fish are not related.Bettas were first discovered in Thailand's rice paddies.
Generally the answer is no. The only reason the should be put in together is for breeding purposes and this should be carefully monitored as it can get out of hand. Male bettas will attack females.
No. The tank is not large enough to house two female bettas. The basic fish keeping rule is "1 inch of fish needs 1 Gallon of water". A female Betta grows to around 1.5 inches so you would need at least a 3 gallon tank to house the 2 Bettas properly.