No a laptop does not contain the PS2 software among other reasons
The old Playstation Game might be playable on a PS2
yes the PS2 will play select Playstation game titles
No, only old PS3 Game consoles with 4 USB ports can play some PS2 game titles.
There are a number of video game consoles on the market today that are capable of playing dvds. The Xbox, Xbox360, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 3 are all able to play standard DVD's.
No you can not it is not compatible for the playstation 1
No, but you can play PlayStation games on a PlayStation 2.
I thInk u have 2 get a usb2 and plug in your PC or back of laptop
you can not play a playstation or playstation 2 game on a ps3
PS2 can play PS1 and not in reverse. A game can not play a game so someone forgot the word console.
No. You can play Legitimate PS1 games on a chipped PS2, but you cannot play PlayStation 2 Games on a PlayStation 1.