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Solar Power!

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Q: Can you name one renewable energy resource?
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Is fruit trees a nonrenewable resource?

A renewable resource is one which will be replaced after it is used. Wind energy is renewable because the wind will return tomorrow. Trees are renewable if you plant them again. So, fruit trees are a renewable resource.

Identify one renewable resource that can be used to generate energy?


Is copper renewable non renewable or flow resource?

copper isn't even an energy in the first place. It conducts power and releases and carries energy from one pace to another. but know it is not a non-renewable or renewable resource.

Name at least one other renewable energy resource not presented in the video?

Geothermal energy is a renewable energy resource that utilizes heat from the Earth's core to generate power. This energy source is harnessed through geothermal power plants and has the potential to provide a continuous and reliable source of electricity.

Examples of renewable resources in the philippines?

A non renewable resource of the Philippines is rock phosphate.

Is a tide a nonrenewable resource or a renewable one?


Why is hydro energy not non-renewable?

A non-renewable resource is one that is used up, that cannot be reused. A renewable resource is regularly replenished or can be reused. Hydro power (renewable) comes from water circulated in the water cycle, and so is continuously replenished by natural processes.

Is trees a renewable or non renewable resource?

A tree is a renewable resource if another tree replaces the one that was cut down.

Is solar a nonrenewable resource or a renewable one?

Solar energy is a renewable energy since you can always get energy from the sun and it will never run out, hence the word renewable. Although the sun will explode in around 4 or 5 billion years, solar energy is virtually renewable and will be available for a long, long time.

What is the definition renewable resources?

A renewable resource is any natural resource (as wood or solar energy) that can be replenished naturally with the passage of time. It also means that it is a natural resource that can be replenished before a human consumes it.

Is a non renewable resource?

A non-renewable resource is one that is mined from the ground, and when we've used it, there's no more left. In terms of energy, these are oil, coal, natural gas, uranium, lignite, shale oil and so forth.Examples of renewable energy resources are solar, wind, geothermal, wave, and tidal power.

What is one renewable resource?
