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yes you can i think it is only with parental consent.

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In the UK, you cannot legally move out at 16 without parental consent. The legal age of majority is 18, so you would need permission from your parents or legal guardians to live independently before then. It's important to consider factors like accommodation, financial support, and your overall well-being before making such a decision.

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Q: Can you move out at 16 in the UK?
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At what age can you legally move out in the UK?

In the UK, you can legally move out at the age of 16, but you are still considered a minor until the age of 18. If you wish to rent accommodation or enter into a tenancy agreement before 18, you may face restrictions or require a guarantor.

What is the legal age to move out of your parents house in the UK?

A child may move out at 16 if they have their legal guardian's permission. If the child does not have permission to move out at 16, they can still do so, but the guardians can get a court order to make the child move back home (this rarely happens). In terms of renting: A child (classed as a person under 18 years of age) cannot legally hold a tenancy agreement, therefore they would need to arrange a joint tenancy (where one of the holders is an adult) or a tenancy in trust where an adult (such as a friend or Social Services) will hold the tenancy on the child's behalf.

What age do you have to be to move away from home?

In most places, you need to be at least 18 years old to move away from home without parental consent. However, this age requirement can vary depending on the laws in your area.

Can a 16 years old legally move out of his parents house in UK?

In the UK, the legal age of leaving home without parental consent is 16. However, it's important for the 16-year-old to carefully consider the implications of moving out, as they may still have financial dependencies on their parents or guardians. It's advised to seek guidance and support from a trusted adult or a local authority if considering such a decision.

Can you move out at the age of 17 in the UK?

In the UK, the legal age to move out without parental consent is 16. However, at 17 someone is still considered a minor and may face difficulties renting accommodation or entering into contracts. It's important to consider practicalities such as financial stability and housing options before moving out at a young age.

Related questions

Can you be 17 years old and move out with out parent approve?

In the UK you can move out at 16 - BUT - you'd have a hard time financing a flat at that age !

How do you go about filing for emancipation in the UK and what does it entail?

There is no such thing in UK. If you are 16 you can move out. If you are younger than tha tyou are taken into care of Social Services.

Can someone from the US adopt a 16 year old from the UK?

No, the UK don't allow out of country adoptions with it's citizens. A 16yo in the UK can move out and live in his own according to the law.

Can a 16 year old in London move out of their parents home?

You can move out when you are 16, unless: You are subject to an ASBO or other legal restraint that stipulates where you must live; You are in the UK seeking asylum as part of a family.

Can you leave at 16 if you have stable place to go?

Yes you can. You are classified as an adult at the age of 16 in eyes of the UK law, so you are legally allowed to move out.

Can a 16 year old with a baby move out of her parents house and move in with the babys' dad and grandmother?

This question really depends on where in the world you are. In the UK a child can leave home at 16 with the parents consent. However, if a child leaves home at 16 without parental consent the police will not force them to return. The age of consent in the UK is 16. If you're in the US consent laws vary from state to state.

What age can a child refuse to visit the non custodial parent in the UK?

When they are 16, that is also when they can move out if they have a good place to stay.

At what age can you legally move out in the UK?

In the UK, you can legally move out at the age of 16, but you are still considered a minor until the age of 18. If you wish to rent accommodation or enter into a tenancy agreement before 18, you may face restrictions or require a guarantor.

What is the moving out age in UK?

In the UK, the legal age to move out of your parents' home is 16, but this is subject to certain conditions. In most cases, young people tend to move out in their late teens or early twenties when they can support themselves financially.

Can a 16 year old girl move in with a man 39 years old in the uk?

Yes, you can move out at 16 in the UK. However if this particular man is right to live with I can not answer and if your parents or social service don't feel the place fill the criteria of a suitable and safe home and that you can support yourself, they can get a court order and force you to come home.

Can you move out at 17 if you are pregnante?

in the UK you can leave home/ move out at 16 so if your pregnant at 17 most certainly yes. you just ned ot make sure are c\an financially.

Can you move out without parents permission when your 16 years old in the UK?

Someone needs permission to move out even if he is 16 years old. 18 is the legal age, although some people can sustain their own lives at a much younger age.